Sunday, April 20, 2008

Asian versus Western*

Ho hum.

People say that the culture differences between Asian and Western are so so different.

True? I say yes, tonight i ll be discussing abt it and much more stuff.

Asian what do we know of it?

We are no doubt conservative, less of risk takers and more restricted to what we do. Our kids, are less sexually exposed. What do i mean by this? Ok basically the percentage of people, lets take the age group around Junior college kids, have had sex, would be around i estimate 40% or 30%. Asian.........Why like this? Or should i say WHYYYYYYY KANINAYA WHYYYY??? To my many sexually frustrated friends who deem physical contact as a part of a relationship. (Whether thats true i do not know) It because of the fact that our parents strongly believe in a off limits to your family jewels until marriage. Its an Asian trend which follows traditional thinking, but now is slowly changing. HOW FAST HOW FAST u may ask me? Easy big fellas i dont know.

Fact of shocker/Did u know this?/Omg how come Jerome knows and i dont??

(hello lim pei A level not bad ogay)

Haha actually it was Bong the G.P great mind who told me this.

Ok ok u guys know abt the Tammy video right? The one where she had sex etc etc, even Malaysia had copies of it. (Ogay thats pretty off) Yeah for most, cant say all* that ll be heavily scrutinised by general paper folks. OK bad sentence structure! As i was saying, most j.c students would be woo ah OMG really ah?? Shit man how come shes so wild?? We would have this sort of reaction to these kind of acts*. However, on the Poly and ITE side, (got inside information one ah), they just brushed it off, the kind of reaction produced was simply ''oh really ah...oh ok whatever''.

When Bong told me this i was like WHATTT THEEE CHICKENN??!! But yeah it is true, for them unlike most j.c relationships, a realationship lasting more than a month would have involved sex inside already. That goes without saying for ITE students too. Ok ok, i know some of your champions would be thinking ''eh no leh i got some j.c friends who did it already'' or ''what abt me?'' Like i said MOST most..

The acceptance of Western culture is so much more obvious in Polys and ITEs rather than JCs. Ok ok (bastard statement coming up), perhaps its the level of intelligence? The fact that we dont fool around as much as them and hence we score higher in points* Thats why even in army, my ite and poly friends were like the most Champion of the whole platoon whenever it came to book out days, cause Magic* did happen.

But this i assume, is a minority percentage of the entire population. Most of us are just virgins??? A GAME OF TRUTH AND DARE ANYONE????? Haha, dont worry Pais i know OK!

Moving on to Western culture. Pfft, theres a reason why their sexual organs mature so much faster than ours, come on face it, sweet sixteen, girls are asking their parents for boob jobs already. All i can say comments. Yeah, their culture is so much more open, more carefree more freedom. Of course with fun comes consequences as well. More shocking blood tests, ''Sorry i have contracted what?'' or ''thats not my baby!'' Once again as a reminder i am talking about most, as compared to Asian cultures.

Maybe its army influencing me, but this is the truth, im seriously not making up any of these things that i have said. Ok except for the i thinks and i assume, the rest is true.

What with the difference?? Wouldnt it be interesting if our cultures were reversed? OK NOT THAT I PERSONALLY WANT!! Haha, after all i ve been through in j.c, i think cultures not that important in life. Its you yourself, what u believe in. Ok ok, not that i wanna model after the forty year old virgin and a taboo status as it is in western culture, or start very young but theres a time and place for everything. Not too early not too late, own time own target, carry on!

Put religion into the picture, oh man its a whole new level altogether.

But perhaps thats the model solution.......

Enough with the chimness!!!!!!!

Sat Han's coming out!! Yeah =) Its gonna be a dinner, drinks, party!!!

SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT, i smsed them that we ll be MOS-ing after Chips, but then i wont be going...GARGAWDEARAFFGHHH (Just like Homer says it) WHYY U LITTLE LEG!!!

Most bastard comments i heard so far.

Wei Ting a.k.a Hairy chest ''Dont worry lar Jerome we ll take photos and send to you so u ll feel like u were there''

Tin Y ''I dance your share lar'' and ''I dance with your crutch lar''

Shit zoo man, too much the partie animal, sigh, nvm nvm soon soon..

Haha (weak laughter), honestly ur go lar, have fun im happy when u guys are happy =)

Walk down that lonesome road
All by yourself
Dont turn your head...
Back over your shoulder
And your friends are choinging together
without you...
Unless my parents go out and we can CLUB ROME AGAIN!! Pfft highly unlikely..