Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good friends*

Its all so true, sadistically and sadly.

But the fact is that, without any restrains or hardships in life, we will never ever grow up, nor learn to treasure the smallest things around us. Imagine having a holiday for an entire year, not having to study, that would indeed make life so meaningless.

We need trials and tribulations to force ourselves to see the bigger picture and push beyond our comfort zones, and what we ever thought we could do.

I havent seen Tin y, Tze Shun and Yanni in a while.

Meeting up with them along with Han and Ian was so very refreshing. It made me realise how much i missed them. Talking cock and laughing about trival matters again. One example would be clubbing, (lol), its not the fun we had inside there, be it good or bad, it was more of the memories that we all created with each other.

Memories that would last us a lifetime. Thanks to Han for organising this awesome dinner indeed lol.

Perhaps if i saw them everyday i would start taking them for granted? Possibly, though i dont think i would ever do that, its human i guess. But anyway the fact is i had an awesome kick ass dinner tonight.

The hardship that we are going through now, whatever it may be, will only serve to enhance the happiness and satisfaction that we will enjoy later, in life.

As I continue to grow through life and the teachings of the people in my life, my elders, seniors and even juniors. I learn to treasure time spent with people, friends, and yes, i learn to love them too, even more so. No matter how much i receive in return, because it doesnt matter.

Irumours On Sat, see my techno dancing how Zaizzz, lol.
What can i say? Army boys =) Ah bengs For The Win.

Crazy Baby the spirit of the motion dont let me feel devotion..haha, hilarious i tell you.
Drink like a king dance like a pro!!

Yes yes everything in moderation.