I so died in army...i just simply rotted my way through the day and did a bit of sai kang, but i managed to finish an 7/8 of a book in just a couple of hours, i guess i do read pretty fast lol.
AFTER ARMY, the 4 hours was just so exciting and refreshing from the mundane day of green black and brown.
I went to Far East with my bro and his two friends, Roy and Ferris, and we went to buy our costumes from the costume shop.
My bro- PIMP, pimp stick and all
Ferris- Willy Wonka, all purple
Roy- Charlie Chaplin or Dracula, cant remember
Me- Hardo Gaydo
Ok ok i can literally FEEL the amount of facebook Nonsense that is gonna come out from Sat's bd bash. Ok yeah Happy 21st bd bro* real older bro!!!! Simply i am going all out to entertain u and ur friends, dammit. This is seriously so embarrassing. My chances of getting a gf now is gonna drop like the US stock market man, haha jk, these things arent imprt in my life now.
21st bd, similar to Karno's its at Grand Copthorne GASP ZOUK?? Nah, Mos with free entry thanks to his uber contacts and yeah, i ll be lookin forward to party in my costume with my friends and his friends and yeah random people..Develop ur social skills through ur party animal side, thats something i read off a magazine and yeah it is kinda true, for working life and etc.
Went to the gym, where i did heavy weights to prepare for sat hardo gay act, and i think i inched up the testostorone level in the gym with other guys, cause this guy started doing heavy weights. Shoulder presses standing up with free weights.....
After a while, his right hand loses control and whacks his kneecap, crack*, hes on the floor and next thing i know, we call for an ambulance.......My word, ambulance leh, the omg 995...
Me, "Dude ur a medic right?''
Him '' Yeah''
Me "When do you ORD?''
Him "oh six months from now''
Take note he was on the floor clutching his right knee all along, we were waiting for the ambulace to arrive.
Me "Oh sweet man, u can have like 3 months M.C lar then can burn half of that time"
Im such a chao keng bastard aint I ahahahah..Anyways i wish this dude, Eric all the best, wtf am i blogging this down for...?..Ok ok be nice, all the best for a speedy recovery, long term M.C and more civilian time =)
I can literally sense Sat something is gonna happen haha...Im so damn nervous cause of the fact that my costume is really really too outrageous..
Anyway, i can feel that im maturing and growing as a christian, hopefully lar, with a once and for all small group. Ok not that small..I really really hope this would help me as i continue to experience both the good and bad in life now =). But on that night i dreamt abt stuff, not very pleasant lar i would say, cause i hate being emotional, irrational and insecure, and i do need my sleep ok!!
Leave it to God's hands, i have totally no qualms at all =)
O God beyond all praising,we worship You today
And sing the love amazing that songs cannot repay;
For we can only wonder at every gift You send,
At blessings without number and mercies without end:
We lift our hearts before You and wait upon Your Word,
We honor and adore You, our great and mighty Lord.
Then hear, O gracious Savior, accept the love we bring,
That we who know your favor may serve you as our King;
And whether our tomorrows be filled with good or ill,
We’ll triumph through our sorrows and rise to bless You still:
To marvel at Your beauty and glory in Your ways,
And make a joyful duty our sacrifice of praise