Friday, December 07, 2007


After gettin suan-ed by the guy whose body looks like crap even though he gyms more than me, and the diva man who doesnt blog anymore (OHHHHHHHHH LOWW BLOWWW!!), its time to pen down more of my thoughts.

I guess sometimes, people say clubbing may not be a gd thing, but it sure as hell is a way u can look at a person's true nature, how well they can control themselves, even under the influence of whatever, whatever and more whatever. Especially for guys, i mean face it, 80% of rapes in the world are committed by us, so we are naturally horny-er. So to all guys out there, pls be a gentleman and always let ur morals, values and brains to control u, not ur dicks pls. Perhaps, whatever happens in the club should stay in the club? I know my friends would tell me to f off, what is the true essence of clubbing? A night of doing something u would regret in the morning?? Worse still if u are 100% a horny dog. I dunno, at least im glad that i do watch after my gone* friends and those being backstabbed* by guys with horns protruding out from them and absolutely reeking of musk. Tell them to F off ok! Sick bastards.

Hmmm so far not bad lar, i ve really been controlling the amt of demerit goods that i consume, freak but should have a fuller dinner b4 gg out with Han and the gang drinking last night. Arena again this sat!! Its really cardo man, dancing non stop, hopefully i could get mistaken as one of the bouncers like in Zouk and then we could use the stage haha!!

Oh well everything in moderation lar ok?? I guess like i told Mdm, this is just a face in my life, i should as hell wont be clubbing when im like 60? Or eh 30? Whatever man, i just hold onto what i believe.

Oh oh oh David, me and brendan wanna go for mdc auditions, eh could u link us up or something?? Pls thanks man.

Anyway this Xmas season, yeah, im pulling out all the stops i guess, i ll be true sincere and all above, mature. Everythings all more or less planned out already so i guess i ll just leave it to God's hand. Mercy man mercy. Even if things explode in my face, i guess im already mature enough to do damage control so yeah, What doesnt Kill You makes u Stronger!!! Speaking of which i wrestled with my dad yesterday when Bong n my mom were looking at childhood pics haha, AND I WON HIM NAHAHHA!!! Simply, true manhunt!!

Shit man other than that, there are certain levels as we all know. Friends and beyond friends, the stupid line that defines them individually is so so so freaking hard.

Like Han said, so do you like her? Or have feelings from her?

Im seriously sitting in front of my com now stumped............................................................................

Ill let God and time decide that shall we =)